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#7 Vance Road  Valley Park, MO 63088 314-852-0000


UView Mist II In-Car Air Quality System

Many of us are not even aware that our vehicles have a cabin filter or that the manufacturers recommend replacing them every 15,000 to 30,000 miles. When was the last time you changed yours or have you ever?

Many of us are not even aware that our vehicles have a cabin filter or that the manufacturers recommend replacing them every 15,000 to 30,000 miles. When was the last time you changed yours or have you ever?

Just think of your home's furnace filter?
None of us would ever dream of not replacing it on a regular basis. Well, consider the countless hours spent just weekly in our vehicles, breathing in that recirculating, dirty air.


All of us to some extent are fighting the daily onslaught of allergens, dust, dander, pollen, pollutants, viruses, mold and bacteria.  Our MiST™II Ultrasonic System helps in that daily challenge.

Let us change out that dirty filter or you can DIY it yourself just prior to appointment. Either way, we start out with a clean filter and then service your vehicles entire HVAC filtration system with our restorative, back-to-a-true-clean on all surfaces to give you the confidence you have done all you can to maintain your vehicles air quality integrity.

Please contact us for pricing which begins at $100.00 for MiST™II Ultrasonic Treatment for vehicles whose filters we are not replacing. Pricing to replace filters dependent on vehicle make and model.

Note: Prior to service, you will need to purchase your vehicles specifically dedicated air filter.

Follow link for a greater understanding of your cabins air filtration system, the hazards therein, and the various choices of filters available today: